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What is an argument?

An argument isn't yelling and screaming to get someone to agree with you. The purpose is to convince someone of something, but it isn't about being upset or yelling. An argument is a series of propositions, which, if true, leads to a conclusion. A typical argument would look like this:

1: If A is true, and B is true, then C must also be true
2: A is true
3: B is true
Therefore, C must be true

However, if either one of A or B isn't true, then we can't be sure about C. It might be true or false, we don't know.

It could also be that statement 1 is wrong, and that C wouldn't be true if both A and B are true.

But, if each statement (1, 2, and 3) is true, then C must also be true.

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