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My Operation

Because my enlarged prostate had been bothering me for a long time, I was already interested in getting rid of the thing. Since a prostatectomy is the best way to make sure the cancer is gone, that was an easy choice to make.

I met with a surgeon in the practice who handles prostatectomies. He uses the robotic controller which gives finer control than regular by-hand surgery. This is a nerve-sparing procedure, so it keeps the erectile nerves which wrap around the prostate. He's done hundereds of these operations, so he was experienced. I was comfortable with him, and scheduled the operation.

My wife drove me to the hospital early the morning of the operation. Getting prepped was simple, met with the anesthesiologist and staff, then was wheeled into the OR.

The next thing I knew, I was in my hospital room. I had a foley catheter, which was my new best friend for a week and a half. The whiteboard said that I had 2 goals: get out of bed, and use the inhaler to measure my lung capacity and make sure it was up to 3 liters.

A little more communication would have been good because I managed to get out of bed, and walk down the hallway and return. And the second time I tried the inhaler I got it to 3 liters, so great! Done!

Not so fast cowboy! Later on I found out that the nurses wanted me to get out of bed, stand, and get back in bed. I was being a little fast walking down the hall. And after going to the website for the inhaler, you're supposed to use it multiple times an hour, and keep doing it even if you get to the goal.

I had multiple laproscopeic holes in my abdomen, and a larger hole in my belly button (all closed up). The doctor took the prostate out via the belly button. Turned out the doctor also took care of a hernia of some kind in the belly button.

There was also a drain of some kind stuck to me. That was removed in 12 hours. It had a ribbon of some kind going deeper into me. I expect it uses some kind of capillary action to draw fluids out to the tank. That felt very strange when they pulled it out.

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